Support services
We provide support and maintenance to the in-house developed software and applications along with already functional applications in organizations. Our first step to lock down the documentation with all updated information and start from there.

Software data integrity
To speed up the application use, on demand basis we provide the initial data entry with full cycle of functional testing. This assure the data integrity and applications expected result delivery.

Multiple level of application testing
We provide application testing support, where we perform a full cycle of application testing, followed by user acceptance, load and burst testing. These testing boost the confidence over these application and help us to resolve the weakness of the application.

KT planning
KT is always a challenge, where the support team does not receive the documentation the way they want it to be. Here in SAAT, we set the KT standards and provide complete transition documentation along with training videos.

Providing training of a running application to a team member is always taking time. We save the time, by preparing the videos and presentation of the full application flow.