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Category: Tech Update

Why 504 Occurs?

504, Gateway Timeout can occur to any website or web application, no matter how giant that application or site be.

Recently I came across the same experience with Quora, where people are continuously searching, posting, responding from all over the globe and is expected to be available 24×7.

Now what is this 504 error anyway, which is getting so famous as the web applications are growing. If we search over any search engine, let say Google then we’ll get the below definition or similar to this one;

“The 504 Gateway Timeout error is an HTTP status code that means that one server did not receive a timely response from another server that it was accessing while attempting to load the web page or fill another request by the browser.”

Many of us now a days educated enough either by the experience or by learning books that we know what is 504 error, I mean common thing right, but think about those who don’t understand these numbers, how can we explain them?

I think in a lay man term we can say it’s kind of Relay Race, where one participant has to wait for his counterpart to give him baton / flag then only he can complete the race. In case of the counterpart doesn’t reach to him, mean time up, race up there will be 504 error.

Otherwise if I make someone who doesn’t know computer much to understand how server works, how they communicate with each may create a 504 error on my face when there will connection break between my mind and face. There may be 404, 400, 405, 403, 406 and at the end, there will be 503.

To conclude, there are so many dependencies, so many teams, lots of resources which are behind the scene working for us to help us what we want to see or what we want to get. Saying Quora is not working well might not be correct in such scenario, the glitch and outage can happen, what matters that how soon that gets corrected or rectified.  

Hope you agree, don’t you?


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Find Your Hidden Skills

Everyone born with a set of skills, some of us have unique skills and many of us have some unacknowledged or hidden skills.

How do I know what special skills do I have? This question makes us confuse about our own capabilities.

The illusion is that we know everything about ourselves, however the truth is that many of us doesn’t even know who they are and how important they could be.

How to tackle this situation, for me, there are two simple and quickest ways to identify it;

  1. Go back to your childhood and try recall what all you were good at and what all you were dreaming about your future
  2. Take opinion from others about yourself

The third option is little tricky one, that is monitoring ourselves and identify how can we value add.

Here in this short clip, we have tried to identify the same, lets slowly and patiently go through with it. Hope it will help you to identify a new YOU!!


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VPS – Visual Position System

GPS is a very common word now. Everyone even a kid knows about it. Anyone who is travelling or in transit may looking for the GPS signals on their smart phones. Most of the people know, that there is something which is called GPS helps them to reach to their destination. 🙂


If we go by the definition, then GPS is an abbreviation for `global positioning system’, which is a system that uses signals from satellites to find out the position of an object. Now what is satellites? And how is it sending signal to our phone? 😀 We’ll discuss sometime later on this topic.


Recently in Google IO 2018, we have learnt about the new GPS system, rather smarter GPS system, which will help us to know, where we are and where we want to go. It is basically using the phones camera and start guiding you about the right direction and location. It will identify the place you are at and will let you know if you heading to the right direction or not. Basically for me it looks like that Google has made their Lens smarter and integrated it with the maps

Visual Positioning System


Once you face the camera towards the roads and building, it will guide you, where to go from here. On the other hand the Local Guides are keep on improving the Google maps with their reviews and photos to make this VPS (Visual Positioning System) more smarter and better.


I think sooner or later, we’ll start talking and seeking about the VPS signals instead of GPS, eventually it will be GPS though. 😀


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Local Guide

We are visiting so many places regularly, these visits can be personal or professional. In the past, we used to ask people who are either living at that place or had been there before, while we were planning to visit the new place.

Google Local Guide

I think for more than 5 years now, we are using the maps to get the right directions and to know more about the new places. Have we ever thought, how Google, Nokia, Apple knows about all these places and guide us? May be some of us will say, that they are using satellites and getting all the directions and pictures, well yes, I don’t deny that, but who is writing reviews and giving ratings? I am sure those are not satellites. Those must be human being. 🙂

As per Google, these humans are called Local Guides, who are uploading the images, videos and sharing the reviews about the places. In other words, the Local Guides are actually those who are along with Google helping us to reach to the place and know about the place, which is new to us or we may want to know about that place.

These Local Guides in other words are helping the Google AI to be smarter and helpful for everyone who is going to use the Google map or seeking the reviews and directions. And once we reach to the desired place, we can also share our views over the Google map along with ratings to help others to take right decision. By doing this, we’ll be also a part of the Google Helping Team.


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In a survey, on an average everyone in India is spending almost 2 hours a day on internet. Many of them are involved in the IT business, many are spending time over social networking apps / sites, some are on shopping and few are listening or watching songs / events / movies. Digitization is become so common and a daily need that we are even not realizing, when all of us became so digital.


When a person joins any social media, he actually want to tell to his world, what he is up to. It is up to some extent similar to a kid, who needs everyone’s attention. If we notice this digital world is doing exactly the same thing for us. It is giving a shape to our imagination to gain others attention. This help us to gain business and success in marking. It also helps to show how exactly a company is doing and what other people think about it’s product or service. It is kind of transparent and available round the clock, while working tirelessly for you.


There are many companies which are helping others to get digital as per their requirement and imaginations. Google is one of them, which is putting all effort to help new comers to take benefits of it’s services to get their business quickly digitize. Google even providing free online training session to make things simpler for them. It is providing site templates, SEO and SEM facility, how to search domain along with managing the data.


As a human, everyone wants to be a better future and this virtual digital world is proving all these to today’s and next generation. Hence everyone should embrace this digitization and open our mind, let the transformation of imagination happen. Because at the end, this is the imagination only, which is the mother of all the innovation and today’s digitization.

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Service Automation

There was a news recently, “Automation will reduce 70% of IT jobs”. Being an IT guy, this sounds terrible and raising lots of questions. If I am jobless now, obviously it wouldn’t matter to me much and may be those who are not in IT field will even bother about it, however for all those who are either in IT field or planning to join it, will certainly be tensed.

If we look back in early 90s, when the banks had decided to migrate all their manual systems to on-line automated systems. There was huge crowd agitating against banks for their decision and making hue and cry. Many of them even said that all the information will leak or the companies which will involve in this transition may take all your money. The story doesn’t end here, there were more rumors and concerns.

Now we all know what happened at the end. Think for a moment of not migrating the banking system online today, we might still be wasting hours and hours in the queue for depositing and withdrawing the money, money transfer to other banks will be difficult and business would not be even possible today.

Similarly if we see around us, we’ll see almost everything is on-line and computerized, even in the hospital the computerized machines are performing critical operations, keeping person alive on ventilator. On the other side, we are now having a driverless bus running in New York’s busiest street.

If we had not migrated, then we might be living in the Stone Age today. Hence we should take this news in positive way and should not be panicked. This will make our life easier down the line. Keep in mind, in case if it reduce the IT jobs, then again it will open the opportunities for those, who can get things automated and the best part of human is that it is keep on learning and upgrading itself, which computer may not be able to do it by its own!!


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Disaster recovery


Disaster Recovery

“Disaster” is among one of the most hated word in this world. People scared & panicked whenever this word “disaster” is pronounced. There are various negative vibes coming in our mind as soon as we even think about it. The first question, which usually appears, do what now?

On the other hand we can treat this word as a teacher, who teaches us how to fight in such situations. It also makes our mind ready for such scenarios. This boosts our confidence by planning how to fight against the disaster.

The bigger companies are spending so much of amount to keep their DR (Disaster Recovery) environment ready parallel to the live environment. They are frequently testing the time of recovery of the system in case of disaster. Companies are more serious now, about the BCP (Business Continuity Planning).

For any IT company, their data is always very critical along with the availability of the application. The cloud has made this a lot easier for all the IT companies especially for the smaller companies, who can’t afford the hudge cost of big data centers and willing to maintain their DR environment. Even if we notice, our smart phones data can also be backed up over the cloud (Google/Apple/Azure), so that if our phone gets damage or if we want to change it, we can simply do it.

Today’s systems became much smarter to fight against the Disaster so do we! Now disaster has think, how to prove himself to be a real disaster.

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Google Lens

Google Lens

A much needed app by Google has been recently released, called “Google Lens”. It is basically designed to bringing up relevant information using visual analysis, which means it is another form of system intelligence to allow us to know more about the new place and things etc.

Most of the time, while visiting to new places we used to go through many changes, such as time zone, environment, language and culture etc.  This includes many challenges as well, like what to eat, how to room around and identify the places. Here either we look for someone to guide us or the signal strength in our smart phone. J

Google has initially helped us a lot to solve these basic problems by allowing us to use their various free apps. Some mostly used are Google assistance, Google map and Android O/S. As per Google, now a day’s people are spending 1 billion hours every day on YouTube, every day users are navigating the Google maps for around 1 billion kilometers and now the Google Android has crossed 2 billion active devices in the world.

So get back to our transit duration, these apps assist us a lot to make every moment easier and memorable. On the same line, Google is now presenting the Google Lens, which will be a boon for everyone to help them pulling the information about the places and things what they are looking for. All we need to do is just open the Google Lens see via it. More details are here;



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