About Windows 10

I think Microsoft wanted to have an OS, which will be compatible with Tabs as well as desktops/laptops. Instead of developing a whole new OS dedicated to phone or tab (which they did for Lumia earlier) they merged it with one OS.

Initially it was windows 8 followed by 8.1 and now improved version is windows 10.

The good part which I see here, the it does work like windows 7 along with App installation like IOS or Andriod.

Two ways to look at this picture.

1- From the kid’s point of view: they can now install whatever they want to quickly and easily and stopped bothering me to install and bring CDs / DVDs for games etc.

2- From the developer’s point of view: they can continue to install their git hub, .net framework along with Apache or tomcat installation.

There is a third point also, which is very interesting;

3- For elders / senior citizens, it was very difficult to work with windows prior to windows 10, they use to prefer to work with Android or IOS, now even they can hassle free working on windows 10 OS.

Since I have most of my professional life in IT and living in a joint family, where a senior member of my family is only 90 years old and he feels comfortable working with windows 10, on the other hand my kids are feeling more entertaining the windows 10 and at the same time, my Infrastructure team and development teams have no complaint with windows 10, I am glad and thankful for Microsoft to build this brilliant OS.
