Recently Unemployed

Now a days being unemployed is very difficult and it becomes more difficult when you are leaving in a nuclear family, having home, car and other EMIs over your head.

If you are unemployed however having back support then it will not be an issue until you don’t have money in your pocket or you are unable to run your home.

Lets take an example:

Assume Tom is a good employee, however his company is running into lose, now the management want to shed some load.

One day they will call him and ask him to leave due to some reasons.

Since he had spent so many years in this company and had achieved a position, he’ll be tensed first about how to inform this to his family members. (Company doesn’t bother about all these)

After informing this to family, he will cross first phase of depression, then there will be questions from his relatives and other family members, he need to face all these questions and explain the situation.

He is very sensitive and dignified person. Now the third and most difficult phase will come for him, where he’ll be facing to his colleagues and friends.

How to answer them and at the same time to show them that he is doing well and will get a better job soon?

As the time will pass, gradually he’ll be isolating himself, his dependents, parent and family will stop asking anything where money will be involved and relatives will be gradually asking about if he need some financial or any type of help from them in a positive way.

His kids will decide by their own what is cheap and what is costly. Suddenly they will become mature for the financial matters. They will stop asking about outing, burger and Pizzas etc.

By now he’ll be thrashed, his confidence will be zero and it will difficult for him to apply anywhere. He’ll become a great thinker only. Trying to hide myself from questions and still pretending to apply in some of the companies.

Gradually he’ll try to contact to his friends and hopefully will find 2 or 3 among 300, who may try for him to get him back in business.

Hopefully he’ll get some interview call, however by then it will be very late, some companies after interview session will reduce his package upto 50% and some at the end will say, sorry your gap is more than what they were expected, some may contact him but seeing his gap time will reject him right away.

By now his saving will be exhausted and in front him, his family, his kids and parents will keep on standing with him. They will be the True Moral support for him.

He’ll try to sell his car to have some money in hand, however his wife will ask “what is the answer for kids for selling your car” and there he’ll surrender and will not sell it.

He’ll look for other savings and try to invest it at some places, however everything needs time to get mature and he will be running out of time.

There will be many who will ask free favor from him for their business or anything which can help them to grow and he’ll be doing it for free thinking that they may help him somewhere.

At this moment, he will start watching YouTube videos about how to earn x amount in few days. May be he’ll start making my “Freelancer, Fiver, Upwork” profiles and expecting some work to come to his bucket, however it is not that quick and easy

Later he may start making some videos and expecting these to go viral so that the YouTube will start giving him some money. (Getting 10k hours of watch time along with 100k subscriber is not that easy)

He may spend some of his valuable savings to purchase some domain and will be trying to sell something there.

He may be thinking about selling t-shirts, sometime to drive in Uber, sometime to give paid training but there are not 100% chance that these will work and give him some handsome money.

At the end, if his willpower remains with him, he’ll continue applying for jobs and may be get selected some day and if his willpower will be exhausted and he’ll be under huge debt and running out of money to pay his EMIs then the consequences may be dangerous. I hope and wish it will not.