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Sun-setting of Google + services

Today, someone told me that Google may close its Google + services soon. As a human we are born with curiosity nature, so the question was how to authenticate this news? The irony is, that I decided to check on Google about this. This is because we are so used to about Google, that when it comes to search anything, we right away ask from Google about it.

During search I found various versions of this news, the only thing common in all the pages, that YES it is going to shut down for all the consumers. Mostly the Album, photos, Google + pages, blogs will be affected by this.

As per The Google+ API bug affected the accounts of 52.5 million Google Plus users, therefore this decision came into picture. On Google’s official Keyword blog, David Thacker, Vice President of Product Management for G Suite, explained the decision. Thacker said, “With the discovery of this new bug, we have decided to expedite the shut-down of all Google+ APIs; this will occur within the next 90 days. In addition, we have also decided to accelerate the sun-setting of consumer Google+ from August 2019 to April 2019.”

Good part is that your Google account, which is linked to services such as Gmail, YouTube and Maps, will continue to work, but your Google+ account, which was only used for the social network, will be deleted.

Since every coin has two faces, this decision too has, if we think a bit, we’ll realize that yes, the security is a big concern now and breaching it, may be a costly affair. You might have heard about “Google slapped with $5 billion fine for Android tactics”.

On the other hand, Google’s data centers have some running cost associated with it. If everyone will continue to utilize Google services for free, how will they be able to make profits. Well you may say that there are ads and paid campaigns etc, which helps Google to earn, I am fine with that, but have you ever thought, that what you are giving Google in return of using it’s services for free?

Think about Google speech recognition system or Google assistance, think about Google Lances, think about Google Maps, think about Google AI, think about Gmail, Think about YouTube, Think about TPUs performance, Think about Google Weather widgets, Think about your Android phones, Think about IOT, rather think about everything which you have used knowingly or unknowingly, you will surely learn that you were not using it’s services for free instead you are the one who made it what Google is today.

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Bids Adieu to Yahoo Messenger

Recently Yahoo has decided to give rest to world’s oldest and one of the most popular messenger service on July 17th. Yes you learnt it right, it is Yahoo Messenger only.

I haven’t used it for a while, however after knowing this, I feel sad as this was the first messenger I have used for almost 10 years. It used to have lots of great features. The video calls were working even over the 128 kbps or dial-up network back in Y2K.

Today there are so many competitors of Yahoo messenger, struggling to achieve the same respect and popularity as Yahoo messenger had. I believe it will take them ages to get up to that level, where the YM was. I think the biggest credit goes to whatsapp, which is close to the YM level. It is not providing all those features, which YM does, still it has somewhere similar thought process behind it.

What do we learn from YM shut down, have you ever thought about it?

For me, it is the “continuous improvement” phenomena, which was somewhere broken during the YM transformation journey. I think one should always think about the improvement prospective of anything and everything, that’s the key. It all together a different argument whether improvement is in the right direction or not. There is also a solution though and that is audit, customer satisfaction survey and suggestions from the users, however I’ll not go in those details for now.

I wish best of luck to Yahoo for the YM replacement “Squirrel”, but getting up to YM level will be a challenge.



Resume Writing

Resume writing is always a challenge especially for those who are either changing their profession or changing job after a long gap. There are two main challenges, what to show and how to show? In my case, I have to write a resume after 10 years, things and trends all are changed. So how to proceed then?

I had consulted many of my well-wishers and few of them were really great and took a step ahead for me, they have not only guided me about writing the resume but also shared few valuable trainings about how to write a better resume.

Two points, which I learnt from all these are, write your resume according to the opportunity and write precise instead of a biography. However that is not so easy. I still needed guidance and expert to understand these two types of resume.

As an exercise, I have opened the LinkedIn and closely read many of my mentor’s and colleague’s profiles. Few of the profiles were ideal for me and helped me learning, how to craft a meaningful resume, still all these work was very manual and took lots of effort and time. Luckily my friends and mentors are with me and they helped me to get it finalized.

Many job seekers might not get such kind of guidance, but now they should not be worried as LinkedIn has recently introduced the Resume Assistance with Microsoft Office 365. This is amazing and will be a boon for all job seekers. It is simple and quicker. It allows us to explore the LinkedIn profile in a proper way and get the resume crafted. It kind of giving power to everyone and boosting their confidence.

More details

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