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Tag: localguide

VPS – Visual Position System

GPS is a very common word now. Everyone even a kid knows about it. Anyone who is travelling or in transit may looking for the GPS signals on their smart phones. Most of the people know, that there is something which is called GPS helps them to reach to their destination. 🙂


If we go by the definition, then GPS is an abbreviation for `global positioning system’, which is a system that uses signals from satellites to find out the position of an object. Now what is satellites? And how is it sending signal to our phone? 😀 We’ll discuss sometime later on this topic.


Recently in Google IO 2018, we have learnt about the new GPS system, rather smarter GPS system, which will help us to know, where we are and where we want to go. It is basically using the phones camera and start guiding you about the right direction and location. It will identify the place you are at and will let you know if you heading to the right direction or not. Basically for me it looks like that Google has made their Lens smarter and integrated it with the maps

Visual Positioning System


Once you face the camera towards the roads and building, it will guide you, where to go from here. On the other hand the Local Guides are keep on improving the Google maps with their reviews and photos to make this VPS (Visual Positioning System) more smarter and better.


I think sooner or later, we’ll start talking and seeking about the VPS signals instead of GPS, eventually it will be GPS though. 😀


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Local Guide

We are visiting so many places regularly, these visits can be personal or professional. In the past, we used to ask people who are either living at that place or had been there before, while we were planning to visit the new place.

Google Local Guide

I think for more than 5 years now, we are using the maps to get the right directions and to know more about the new places. Have we ever thought, how Google, Nokia, Apple knows about all these places and guide us? May be some of us will say, that they are using satellites and getting all the directions and pictures, well yes, I don’t deny that, but who is writing reviews and giving ratings? I am sure those are not satellites. Those must be human being. 🙂

As per Google, these humans are called Local Guides, who are uploading the images, videos and sharing the reviews about the places. In other words, the Local Guides are actually those who are along with Google helping us to reach to the place and know about the place, which is new to us or we may want to know about that place.

These Local Guides in other words are helping the Google AI to be smarter and helpful for everyone who is going to use the Google map or seeking the reviews and directions. And once we reach to the desired place, we can also share our views over the Google map along with ratings to help others to take right decision. By doing this, we’ll be also a part of the Google Helping Team.


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